New Arrival China Age Of Bronze Sculpture - chaena outdoor antique brass koporo liphoofolo tse kholo serapeng seemahale sa bophelo ba metal bronze stand seemahale sa pere - Atisan Works

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Ikopanye le rona bakeng sa litšoantšo tse betliloeng

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

E Amanang le Video

Maikutlo (2)

E Thehiloe ho marakeng a malapeng le ho atolosa khoebo ea mose ho maoatle ke leano la rona la ntlafatso eaSetšoantšo sa Mabole sa Davida, Fiberglass Sculpture Artists, Sets'oants'o sa Bronze, Re u amohela ho etela fektheri ea rona mme re lebeletse ho theha likamano tsa botsoalle tsa khoebo le bareki lapeng le linaheng tse ling haufinyane.
New Arrival China Age Of Bronze Sculpture - chaena outdoor antique brass koporo liphoofolo tse kholo jareteng setšoantšo se betliloeng bophelo sa tšepe boronse e eme seemahale sa pere - Atisan Works Detail:

Lintlha tse Potlakileng
Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:
Hebei, China
Lebitso la Brand:
Nomoro ea Mohlala:
Tšepe, koporo, koporo, koporo, Metal
Mokhabiso,Art & Collectible,ka ntle
Antique Plating
Phoofolo, Ketsiso ea Khale
1 Sete
Ho lahla
Ho paka:
Mabokose a Matla a Lehong
Mofuta oa Sehlahisoa:
Mokhabiso oa Lehae
Sebopeho sa Lebatooa:

Chinese outdoor antique brass koporo liphoofolo tse kholo serapeng seemahale sa bophelo ba tšepe ea boronse e eme seemahale sa pere

Sechaena ka ntle khale koporo koporo liphoofolo tse khōlō serapeng setsoantso se betliloeng
seemahale sa pere sa boholo ba bophelo ba tšepe ea boronse


Sechaena mokhabiso oa khale koporo liphoofolo tse kholo serapeng seemahale sa bophelo tšepe petsana bronze e eme seemahale sa pere

Lisebelisoa tse so ntlafatsoe:


Boholo ba mefuta:

Tloaelehileng Bophahamo 1.3M ho 1.8M kapa Customized

Mmala oa Bokaholimo:

'Mala oa mantlha/ khauta e benyang/e etsisang khale/e motala/e ntšo

E amehang:

mokgabiso kapa mpho

E sebetsa:

E entsoe ka letsoho le Surface polishing

Nako e telele:

e sebetsang ka mocheso ho tloha ho -20ho ea ho 40.Hole le lejwe la sefako, letsatsi le nang hangata, lehlwa le lengata.


Bakeng sa holo ea lelapa/ka tlung/ tempele/monasteri/fane/land scape/ sebaka sa sehlooho le tse ling


Sebelisa Tiisetso ea Khoebo ho Fumana Kamohelo e Eketsehileng!Kapa ka L/C, T/T


sehlahisoa sa lihlahisoa

Re ka fana ka seemahale sa bronze busts, seemahale sa boholo ba bophelo, seemahale sa bolumeli, seemahale sa Maria, seemahale sa Jesu, seemahale sa lengeloi, seemahale sa Davida, seemahale sa Buddha, seemahale sa guanyin, seemahale sa phoofolo, seemahale sa koporo ea tau, seemahale sa hlooho ea tau, seemahale sa pere, seemahale sa tau. seemahale, seemahale sa ntsu, seemahale sa mosali a hlobotse, seemahale sa monna ea hlobotseng, seemahale sa thobalano, seemahale sa serapa, seemahale sa ngoana, vase ea koporo, kholomo ea koporo & pillar, seemahale sa kantle, seemahale sa ka tlung, seemahale sa moshanyana ea nang le ntja, seemahale sa mermaid, brastain kapa seliba sa bronze seemahale, seemahale se sa bonahaleng, seemahale sa tafole ea kofi, seemahale sa tšepe e sa hloekang joalo-joalo


Mabapi le Tšebeliso ea Sets'oants'o sa Lipere tsa Bronze

Boholo ba bophelo bonae emeng setsoantso sa pere ya boronsee na le lintlha tse ngata ebile e mebala-bala, e fana ka chebahalo le maikutlo a bonono empa e le a nnete.E tlatselletsa hantle serapeng sa boikhathollo sefe kapa sefe, serapeng sa liphoofolo, polasing kapa sebakeng sa sechaba, 'me ke mascot e ntle haholo bakeng sa sehlopha sa hau sa lipapali tsa equestrian-themed.

Chinese outdoor antique brass koporo liphoofolo tse kholo serapeng seemahale sa bophelo ba tšepe ea boronse e eme seemahale sa pere 

Positive Meaning of Bronze Horse Sculpture

Ho theosa le histori, lipere ke metsoalle e tšepahalang ka ho fetisisa ea moloko oa batho.Moea le botle ba pere ke mofuta oa bohlokoa oa moealeruo mokgweng wa ntshetsopele ya motho.E na le karolo ea bohlokoa haholo ho nts'etsopele maikutlo a batho, psychology esita lentshetsopele ya setjhaba sa batho.Ho tjeka ha lona ho sa thijoeng ho re fa matla;ho mamela ha eona ka mohau ho re fa tšireletseho le mofuthu.



Boleng ba Sets'oants'o sa Boronse ba Setsebi

Tsohle tsa ronalitšoantšo tsa pere ea boronseli entsoe ka thepa ea boleng bo phahameng ba boronse, 'me li betliloeng ka letsoho le ho bentšoa ke baetsi ba rona ba litsebi ba nang le phihlelo ba inehetseng ho etsa litšoantšo tsa boronse ka lilemo tse ngata.Boleng ba liemahale tsa rona bo ka tiisetsoa 'me litheko ke tsa tlhōlisano.

Chinese outdoor antique brass koporo liphoofolo tse kholo serapeng seemahale sa bophelo ba tšepe ea boronse e eme seemahale sa pere


Chinese outdoor antique brass koporo liphoofolo tse kholo serapeng seemahale sa bophelo ba tšepe ea boronse e eme seemahale sa pere 

Ts'ehetso ea ho Itloaetsa Mefuta e fapaneng ea Litšoantšo tsa Lipere tsa Bronze

Re amohela customizedlitšoantšo tsa pere ea boronsetsa mefuta eohle, ho sa tsotellehe boholo, thepa kapa sebōpeho, u ka reka litšoantšo tsa lipere tseo u li ratang mona.Haeba u batla ho ba le setšoantšo se khethehileng sa pere ea boronse, kapa u na le moralo kapa maikutlo a hau, re emetse litlhahiso tsa hau.

Chinese outdoor antique brass koporo liphoofolo tse kholo serapeng seemahale sa bophelo ba tšepe ea boronse e eme seemahale sa pere


Moetsi oa Sets'oants'o sa Boronse oa Setsebi

Re na le feme ea rona ea ho etsa boronse le baetsi ba litšoantšo ba bangata ba litsebi.Re tla u fa linepe nakong ea ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso le ho tsoela pele ho hlahisa ka tumello ea hau.Re romela litšoantšo tsa boronse likarolong tsohle tsa lefats'e, ho sa tsotellehe hore na u hokae, li tla tlisoa ho uena ka nako.

Chinese outdoor antique brass koporo liphoofolo tse kholo serapeng seemahale sa bophelo ba tšepe ea boronse e eme seemahale sa pere


'Mala oa boikhethelo

Chinese outdoor antique brass koporo liphoofolo tse kholo serapeng seemahale sa bophelo ba tšepe ea boronse e eme seemahale sa pere



Sehlahisoa se ts'oanang

scenario ea kopo

Chinese outdoor antique brass koporo liphoofolo tse kholo serapeng seemahale sa bophelo ba tšepe ea boronse e eme seemahale sa pere

Lintlha tsa Khampani


Chinese outdoor antique brass koporo liphoofolo tse kholo serapeng seemahale sa bophelo ba tšepe ea boronse e eme seemahale sa pere 


Chinese outdoor antique brass koporo liphoofolo tse kholo serapeng seemahale sa bophelo ba tšepe ea boronse e eme seemahale sa pere

Chinese outdoor antique brass koporo liphoofolo tse kholo serapeng seemahale sa bophelo ba tšepe ea boronse e eme seemahale sa pere 




1.Ho nka nako e kae ho tsamaisa thepa ea ka?
Bakeng sa liemahale tse nyenyane, ho kgothaletswa hore o kgethe tlhahiso e hlakileng.Hangata ho nka 3-7days.Bakeng sa liemahale tse bohareng kapa tse kholo, hangata li tsamaisoa ka sekepe.Hangata ho nka matsatsi a 30.
2.Na nka tseba lintlha tsa taelo ea ka ts'ebetsong ea tlhahiso ka nako leha e le efe?
Re tla qala ho e etsa ka mor'a hore u netefatse thepa le moralo.Bakeng sa mohato o mong le o mong oa tlhahiso, ho paka, le likarolo tsa lipalangoang, re tla u romella Tlhahisoleseding e qaqileng ea tsoelopele.
3.Ho kenya setšoantšo se betliloeng joang?
A: Setšoantšo se seng le se seng se betliloeng se tla romelloa ka litaelo tse qaqileng bakeng sa install.Re ka boela ra romela sehlopha sa basebetsi linaheng tse ling bakeng sa ho kenya.
4. Joang ho qala tšebelisano-'moho?
A: Re tla netefatsa moralo, boholo le thepa pele, ebe re etsa qeto ea theko, ebe re etsa konteraka, ebe re lefa depositi.Re tla qala ho betla sehlahisoa.

Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa sehlahisoa:

New Arrival China Age Of Bronze Sculpture - Chinese outdoor antique brass copper diphoofolo tse kgolo garden sculpture life size metal bronze standing see statue – Atisan Works details pictures

New Arrival China Age Of Bronze Sculpture - Chinese outdoor antique brass copper diphoofolo tse kgolo garden sculpture life size metal bronze standing see statue – Atisan Works details pictures

New Arrival China Age Of Bronze Sculpture - Chinese outdoor antique brass copper diphoofolo tse kgolo garden sculpture life size metal bronze standing see statue – Atisan Works details pictures

New Arrival China Age Of Bronze Sculpture - Chinese outdoor antique brass copper diphoofolo tse kgolo garden sculpture life size metal bronze standing see statue – Atisan Works details pictures

New Arrival China Age Of Bronze Sculpture - Chinese outdoor antique brass copper diphoofolo tse kgolo garden sculpture life size metal bronze standing see statue – Atisan Works details pictures

New Arrival China Age Of Bronze Sculpture - Chinese outdoor antique brass copper diphoofolo tse kgolo garden sculpture life size metal bronze standing see statue – Atisan Works details pictures

Tataiso e Amanang ea Sehlahisoa:

E phehella boleng bo holimo, Phano e Potlakileng, Theko e Matla, re thehile tšebelisano ea nako e telele le bareki ba tsoang mose ho maoatle le ka hare ho naha mme re fumana maikutlo a holimo a bareki ba bacha le ba khale bakeng sa New Arrival China Age Of Bronze Sculpture - koporo ea khale ea khale ea machaena. koporo liphoofolo tse khōlō serapeng se betliloeng bophelo boholo tšepe boronse e eme seemahale sa pere - Atisan Works , Sehlahisoa se tla fana ka thepa lefatšeng ka bophara, joalo ka: Jakarta, Zurich, Hungary, Re lumela ho theha likamano tse ntle tsa bareki le tšebelisano e ntle bakeng sa khoebo.Tšebelisano e haufi le bareki ba rona e re thusitse ho theha liketane tse matla tsa phepelo le ho fumana melemo.Lihlahisoa tsa rona li re fumane ka kamohelo e atileng le khotsofalo ea bareki ba rona ba bohlokoa lefatšeng ka bophara.

Re qetile lilemo tse 43 re sebetsa indastering ea litsoantso tse betliloeng, re amohelehile ho etsa litšoantšo tsa 'mabole, liemahale tsa koporo, liemahale tsa tšepe e sa hloekang le litšoantšo tse betliloeng tsa fiberglass.

  • Mookameli oa sehlahisoa ke motho ea chesang haholo le ea setsebi, re na le puisano e monate, 'me qetellong re fihletse tumellano ea tumellano. Linaleli tse 5 Ka Mignon ho tloha San Diego - 2018.10.31 10:02
    Ho fana ka nako e nepahetseng, ts'ebetsong e tiileng ea litokisetso tsa konteraka ea thepa, e ile ea kopana le maemo a khethehileng, empa hape e sebetsa ka mafolofolo, k'hamphani e tšepahalang! Linaleli tse 5 Ka Elaine oa Philippines - 2018.09.19 18:37
    Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona