Sets'oants'o sa Boleng se Ntle sa Meaho - Mokhabiso oa kantle oa Marble Planter Stone Flowerpot Vase - Atisan Works

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Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

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Boleng ba pele, Botšepehi e le motheo, tšebeletso e tiileng le phaello e kopanetsoeng ke mohopolo oa rona, e le hore re ntlafatse ka ho tsoelang pele le ho phehella bokhabane bakeng saLitšoantšo tse tummeng tsa Bronze, moralo oa litšiea tse sekoere, Seemahale sa Motho oa Lejoe, Ho latela melao-motheo ea hau ea khoebo e nyenyane ea likarolo tse ntle tse kopanetsoeng, joale re hapile botumo bo phahameng har'a bareki ba rona ka lebaka la litharollo tsa rona tse ntle ka ho fetisisa, lihlahisoa tse ntle haholo le theko ea tlhōlisano ea thekiso.Re amohela ka mofuthu bareki ba tsoang lapeng la hau le mose ho maoatle ho sebelisana le rona bakeng sa katleho e tšoanang.
Sets'oants'o sa Boleng se Ntle sa Meaho - Mokhabiso oa kantle oa Marble Planter Stone Flowerpot Vase - Lintlha tsa Mesebetsi ea Atisan:

Lintlha tse Potlakileng
Tšebeletso ka mor'a thekiso:
Online Technical Support
Bokhoni ba Tharollo ea Morero:
moralo oa litšoantšo, moralo oa mohlala oa 3D
Lebitso la Sehlahiswa:
pitsa ea lipalesa ea lejoe
Hunan white marble
serapa sa lapeng
Lebokose la Foreimi ea Lehong
1 Sete
E tloaelehileng kapa che:

Mokhabiso oa ka ntle Marble Planter Stone Flowerpot Vase

Outdoor Marble Planter Stone Flowerpot Vase bakeng sa mokhabiso

Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa

Lebitso la sehlahisoa

pitsa ea lipalesa ea lejoe

Lintho tse bonahalang

Hunan white marble




Lits'oants'o tse nyane ka matsatsi a 10 hangata.Liemahale tse kholo li tla nka nako e eketsehileng.

Mofuta oa lihlahisoa

Re ka fana ka seemahale sa 'mabole, seemahale sa 'mabole, seemahale sa'mabole, seemahale se tiileng, seemahale sa monna, seemahale sa boholo ba bophelo, seemahale sa angle, seemahale sa bolumeli, seemahale sa Maria, seemahale sa Jesu, seemahale sa buddha, seemahale sa guanyin, seemahale sa tau, seemahale sa pere, seemahale sa pere. ,sefika sa ntsu,vase ea pitsa ea 'mabole,benche ea 'mabole,tafole ea 'mabole,gazebo ea 'mabole, seliba sa 'mabole, seliba sa bolo, seliba sa fengshui, kholomo ea 'mabole&pillar, leifo la 'mabole, leifo la motlakase, seemahale sa jareteng, seemahale sa kantle, seemahale sa mokhabiso oa ka tlung, seemahale setsoantso sa tšepe e sa hloekang joalo-joalo



 Mokhabiso oa ka ntle Marble Planter Stone Flowerpot VaseMokhabiso oa ka ntle Marble Planter Stone Flowerpot VaseMokhabiso oa ka ntle Marble Planter Stone Flowerpot VaseMokhabiso oa ka ntle Marble Planter Stone Flowerpot VaseMokhabiso oa ka ntle Marble Planter Stone Flowerpot Vase

Mokhabiso oa ka ntle Marble Planter Stone Flowerpot Vase

Sehlahisoa se ts'oanang

Mokhabiso oa ka ntle Marble Planter Stone Flowerpot Vase

Mokhabiso oa ka ntle Marble Planter Stone Flowerpot Vase

Boemo ba kopo

Mokhabiso oa ka ntle Marble Planter Stone Flowerpot Vase

Lintlha tsa Khampani

 Mokhabiso oa ka ntle Marble Planter Stone Flowerpot Vase

Mokhabiso oa ka ntle Marble Planter Stone Flowerpot Vase

Mokhabiso oa ka ntle Marble Planter Stone Flowerpot Vase

Packaging & Shipping

Mokhabiso oa ka ntle Marble Planter Stone Flowerpot Vase


Q:Wkatiba kekhakanyonako ea thomello?

A:Ka hare30matsatsi kamora moofumanangtlase-tefo.

Q:Whichnako ea tefos ka amoheloa?
A:1.KaT/T.30%kedepositile 70% islefileha e fana ka tumello ea tlhahiso.

2.ByL/C.Ho joaloponongle banka e tsebahalang.

3.Western Union kapa Paypal bakeng sa sampole litšenyehelo.

P:Ke eng to bolengtiisetso?
A:1.Bonono ba 'mabole bo lumellana le maemo a mabeli. 

a) ASTM C503-05 le ASTM C1526-03 e sebelisetsoang'mabole oa tlhahoeaKoari.

b)Ssetsebi sa mesebetsi ea matsoho e moholobolengmaemo kapa bareki kopo.

2.Bonono ba boronse kapa tšepe e sa hloekang bo lumellana le litekanyetso tse peli.

a) Ho ea ka tlaleho ea tlhahlobo ea thepa e tsoang ho moetsi. 

b)Ssetsebi sa mesebetsi ea matsoho e moholobolengmaemo kapa bareki kopo.

3.Sistimi e thata le e sebetsang ea taolo ea bolengka khonaamohela motho wa boraro's tlhahlobo, joalo ka SGS kapa joalo-joalo.

P:Wkatiba kelitšenyehelo tsa lipalangoang?

A:1.Litsenyehelo tse ntle bakeng sa lipalangoang tsa leoatle kapa sefofane sa sefofane se tsoang pele.

2. Amohela tšebeletso ea DDU ka litšenyehelo tse utloahalang.

Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa sehlahisoa:

Sets'oants'o sa Boleng se Ntle sa Meaho - Mokhabiso oa kantle oa Marble Planter Stone Flowerpot Vase - Atisan Works details details

Sets'oants'o sa Boleng se Ntle sa Meaho - Mokhabiso oa kantle oa Marble Planter Stone Flowerpot Vase - Atisan Works details details

Sets'oants'o sa Boleng se Ntle sa Meaho - Mokhabiso oa kantle oa Marble Planter Stone Flowerpot Vase - Atisan Works details details

Sets'oants'o sa Boleng se Ntle sa Meaho - Mokhabiso oa kantle oa Marble Planter Stone Flowerpot Vase - Atisan Works details details

Sets'oants'o sa Boleng se Ntle sa Meaho - Mokhabiso oa kantle oa Marble Planter Stone Flowerpot Vase - Atisan Works details details

Sets'oants'o sa Boleng se Ntle sa Meaho - Mokhabiso oa kantle oa Marble Planter Stone Flowerpot Vase - Atisan Works details details

Tataiso e Amanang ea Sehlahisoa:

Ehlile ke tsela e ntle ea ho ntlafatsa thepa ea rona le ho e lokisa.Sepheo sa rona e lokela ho ba ho theha lihlahisoa tse inahaneloang ho litebello tse nang le tsebo e babatsehang ea Sets'oants'o sa Boleng ba Boleng bo Botle - Mokhabiso oa ka ntle oa Marble Planter Stone Flowerpot Vase - Atisan Works , Sehlahisoa se tla fana ka lefats'e lohle, joalo ka: Mumbai, Amsterdam, Costa Rica. , Hajoale marang-rang a rona a thekiso a ntse a hola khafetsa, a ntlafatsa boleng ba litšebeletso ho fihlela tlhoko ea bareki.Haeba u thahasella lihlahisoa leha e le life, ka kopo ikopanye le rona neng kapa neng.Re labalabela ho theha likamano tse atlehileng tsa khoebo le uena haufinyane.

Re qetile lilemo tse 43 re sebetsa indastering ea litsoantso tse betliloeng, re amohelehile ho etsa litšoantšo tsa 'mabole, liemahale tsa koporo, liemahale tsa tšepe e sa hloekang le litšoantšo tse betliloeng tsa fiberglass.

Mookameli oa litlaleho o ile a etsa kenyelletso e qaqileng ka sehlahisoa, e le hore re be le kutloisiso e feletseng ea sehlahisoa, 'me qetellong re ile ra etsa qeto ea ho sebelisana. 5 Linaleli Ka Martha ho tsoa Amerika - 2017.04.18 16:45
Baetsi bana ha baa ka ba hlompha feela khetho ea rona le litlhoko tsa rona, empa hape ba re file litlhahiso tse ngata tse ntle, qetellong, re atlehile ho phetha mesebetsi ea ho reka. 5 Linaleli Ka Ivy ho tsoa Mauritius - 2017.11.11 11:41
Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona