Fektheri e rekisoang ka bongata Liemahale tsa Masole a Roma tsa Bronze - Outdoor Animal Sculpture Life Size Bronze Lion Seemahale - Atisan Works

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Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

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Khotsofalo ea bareki ke sepheo sa rona sa mantlha.Re tšehetsa boemo bo tsitsitseng ba botsebi, boleng, botšepehi le tšebeletso bakeng saLiemahale tsa Boronse tsa Egepeta, Sets'oants'o sa Bere ea Bronze, Seemahale sa Bolumeli ba Marble, Amohela bareki bohle ba batle ho buisana le rona lintlha tsa lihlahisoa le mehopolo !!
Fektheri e rekisoang ka bongata Liemahale tsa Masole a Roma - Sets'oants'o sa Kantle sa Liphoofolo Bophelo Bo boholo ba Sefika sa Tau ea Boronse - Tlhaloso ea Mesebetsi ea Atisan:

Lintlha tse Potlakileng
Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:
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Nomoro ea Mohlala:
Outdoor Animal Sculpture Life Size Bronze Lion Seemahale
Boholo ba Bophelo Kapa Joalo ka ha o Kopile
Boka bo Lahlehileng
Lihlopha tsa Litsebi
Phoofolo ea boronse
Khauta Plating
E hloekisitsoeng + Hlomphehile
Penta Qetella
Ho lahla
Sebopeho sa Lebatooa:
Mofuta oa Sehlahisoa:
Setsoantso sa Tau
Folk Art / Style e ka etsoa ka mokhoa o ikhethileng

Outdoor Animal Sculpture Lifee Seemahale sa Tau ea Boronse

Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa

Outdoor Animal Sculpture Life Size Bronze Lion Seemahale



Lintho tse bonahalang Boronse/ Koporo/ Koporo
Mmala Bosootho/Bosehla/Khauta/Botala/Antique/kapa kamoo o kopileng kateng
Botenya 5mm-8mm
Boholo Boholo ba bophelo kapa bo hlophisitsoeng
Phekolo ea bokaholimo E bentšitsoe
Tšebeliso Ho khabisa ka ntle kapa ka hare
Sephutheloana 3cm kereiti e matla ea lehong e nang le foam e sa keneleng metsi kahare
MOQ 1 Sekotoana
QC Sehlopha sa OwnProfessional QC ho netefatsa boleng

Outdoor Animal Sculpture Life Size Bronze Lion Seemahale

Outdoor Animal Sculpture Life Size Bronze Lion Seemahale

Lintlha tsa Khampani

Outdoor Animal Sculpture Life Size Bronze Lion Seemahale

Outdoor Animal Sculpture Life Size Bronze Lion Seemahale

Outdoor Animal Sculpture Life Size Bronze Lion Seemahale

Outdoor Animal Sculpture Life Size Bronze Lion Seemahale

Outdoor Animal Sculpture Life Size Bronze Lion Seemahale

Outdoor Animal Sculpture Life Size Bronze Lion Seemahale

Packaging & Shipping

Outdoor Animal Sculpture Life Size Bronze Lion Seemahale


Outdoor Animal Sculpture Life Size Bronze Lion Seemahale

Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa sehlahisoa:

Femetheri wholesale Liemahale tsa Masole a Roma - Outdoor Animal Sculpture Life Size Bronze Lion Seemahale - Atisan Works details pictures

Femetheri wholesale Liemahale tsa Masole a Roma - Outdoor Animal Sculpture Life Size Bronze Lion Seemahale - Atisan Works details pictures

Femetheri wholesale Liemahale tsa Masole a Roma - Outdoor Animal Sculpture Life Size Bronze Lion Seemahale - Atisan Works details pictures

Femetheri wholesale Liemahale tsa Masole a Roma - Outdoor Animal Sculpture Life Size Bronze Lion Seemahale - Atisan Works details pictures

Femetheri wholesale Liemahale tsa Masole a Roma - Outdoor Animal Sculpture Life Size Bronze Lion Seemahale - Atisan Works details pictures

Femetheri wholesale Liemahale tsa Masole a Roma - Outdoor Animal Sculpture Life Size Bronze Lion Seemahale - Atisan Works details pictures

Tataiso e Amanang ea Sehlahisoa:

Ka mekhoa e metle e tšepahalang, mabitso a matle le lits'ebeletso tse ntle tsa bareki, letoto la lihlahisoa le tharollo tse hlahisoang ke k'hamphani ea rona li romelloa linaheng tse ngata le libaka bakeng sa liemahale tsa Bronze Roman Soldier Factory - Outdoor Animal Sculpture Life Size Bronze Lion Statue - Atisan Works , The sehlahisoa se tla fana ka lefats'e ka bophara, joalo ka: Thailand, Portugal, Lisbon, Hona joale, ka nts'etsopele ea marang-rang, le mokhoa oa ho ikopanya ha lichaba tsa machaba, re entse qeto ea ho atolosa khoebo ho ea 'marakeng oa mose ho maoatle.Ka tlhahiso ea ho tlisa phaello e ngata ho bareki ba mose ho maoatle ka ho fana ka kotloloho kantle ho naha.Kahoo re fetotse maikutlo a rona, ho tloha hae ho ea kantle ho naha, re na le tšepo ea ho fa bareki ba rona phaello e eketsehileng, 'me re lebeletse monyetla o eketsehileng oa ho etsa khoebo.

Re qetile lilemo tse 43 re sebetsa indastering ea litsoantso tse betliloeng, re amohelehile ho etsa litšoantšo tsa 'mabole, liemahale tsa koporo, liemahale tsa tšepe e sa hloekang le litšoantšo tse betliloeng tsa fiberglass.

  • Fektheri e na le lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele, basebetsi ba nang le phihlelo le boemo bo botle ba tsamaiso, kahoo boleng ba sehlahisoa bo ne bo e-na le tiisetso, tšebelisano ena e phutholohile haholo ebile e thabile! Linaleli tse 5 Ka Penelope ho tsoa Cambodia - 2017.08.16 13:39
    The morekisi khomarela khopolo ea boleng ba motheo, tšepa ea pele le tsamaiso e tsoetseng pele e le hore ba ka etsa bonnete ba hore e ka tšeptjoang sehlahisoa boleng le bareki tsitsitseng. Linaleli tse 5 Ka Eunice ho tsoa Tunisia - 2017.10.13 10:47
    Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona