Theko ea Theko ea Sets'oants'o sa Sejoale-joale sa Boronse - Sets'oants'o sa Khama sa Boronse sa Koporo ea Metal Craft Sets'oants'o sa Khama e Ntšo/Sets'oants'o sa Kantle sa Khama sa Boronse - Mesebetsi ea Atisan

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Ikopanye le rona bakeng sa litšoantšo tse betliloeng

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

E Amanang le Video

Maikutlo (2)

ka lebaka la thuso e ntle haholo, mefuta e fapaneng ea thepa ea boleng bo holimo, litefiso tse mabifi le ho fana ka thepa e ntle, re rata botumo bo botle har'a bareki ba rona.Re feme e mahlahahlaha e nang le 'maraka o pharaletseng bakeng saLejoe la Serapa, Setšoantšo sa Phoofolo, Sets'oants'o sa Thuso sa Bronze, K'hamphani ea rona e tsitlallela ho nchafatsoa ho khothaletsa tsoelopele e tsitsitseng ea mokhatlo, le ho re etsa hore re be bafani ba thepa ea lapeng ba boleng bo holimo.
Theko ea Theko ea Sets'oants'o sa Sejoale-joale sa Boronse - Sets'oants'o sa Khale se Tloaelehileng sa Boronse sa Koporo ea Metal Craft Sets'oants'o sa Khama e Ntšo/Sets'oants'o sa Khama sa Kantle sa Boronse - Lintlha tsa Mesebetsi ea Atisan:

Lintlha tse Potlakileng
Sebaka sa Tšimoloho:
Hebei, China
Lebitso la Brand:
Nomoro ea Mohlala:
150CM e telele kapa joalo ka ha o kopuoa
joalo ka ha a kopile
Phekolo ea sefahleho:
Phoofolo, Phoofolo
karolo e le 'ngoe
Boronse/Borose/Koporo, Tšepe
Ho paka:
3CM Crate Packing
Lilemo tse 30 Experience ea kantle ho naha
Nako ea thomello:
matsatsi a ka bang 30 ka mor'a depositi
Mofuta oa Sehlahisoa:
Ho lahla
Folk Art
Art & Collectible
Sebopeho sa Lebatooa:

Custom Antique Cast Bronze Copper Metal Craft Black Deer Sculpture/ Outdoor Antique Sitting Bronze Deer Sculpture





Custom Antique Cast Bronze Copper Metal Craft Black Deer Sculpture/ Outdoor Antique Sitting Bronze Deer SculptureCustom Antique Cast Bronze Copper Metal Craft Black Deer Sculpture/ Outdoor Antique Sitting Bronze Deer Sculpture

Custom Antique Cast Bronze Copper Metal Craft Black Deer Sculpture/ Outdoor Antique Sitting Bronze Deer SculptureCustom Antique Cast Bronze Copper Metal Craft Black Deer Sculpture/ Outdoor Antique Sitting Bronze Deer SculptureCustom Antique Cast Bronze Copper Metal Craft Black Deer Sculpture/ Outdoor Antique Sitting Bronze Deer Sculpture

Lebitso la Sehlahiswa Custom Antique Cast Bronze Copper Metal Craft Black Deer Sculpture/ Outdoor Antique Sitting Bronze Deer Sculpture
Lintho tse bonahalang Boronse/Borose/Koporo
Boholo Bophahamo: 150CM, kapa joalo ka ha ho kopiloe
Mmala Bosoeu, boronse, kapa joalo ka ha u kopuoa
Setaele Bophirimela
Mosebetsi Serapa kapa Mokhabiso oa Lehae
Sephutheloana 3CM Crate e nang le Foam ea Plastiki Iside
Nako ea thomello Hoo e ka bang Matsatsi a 25 ho tloha ho Fumana depositi
Tefo T/T, Paypal
Tšebeliso Serapa, Phaka, Hare-hare,

Custom Antique Cast Bronze Copper Metal Craft Black Deer Sculpture/ Outdoor Antique Sitting Bronze Deer SculptureCustom Antique Cast Bronze Copper Metal Craft Black Deer Sculpture/ Outdoor Antique Sitting Bronze Deer SculptureCustom Antique Cast Bronze Copper Metal Craft Black Deer Sculpture/ Outdoor Antique Sitting Bronze Deer SculptureCustom Antique Cast Bronze Copper Metal Craft Black Deer Sculpture/ Outdoor Antique Sitting Bronze Deer Sculpture

Custom Antique Cast Bronze Copper Metal Craft Black Deer Sculpture/ Outdoor Antique Sitting Bronze Deer SculptureCustom Antique Cast Bronze Copper Metal Craft Black Deer Sculpture/ Outdoor Antique Sitting Bronze Deer SculptureLithekiso tsa YOUNGAN: Moreki o Tla Etsa.Moreki a ka fumana bonono le liemahale tse khotsofetseng ka theko e tlase haholo.Bareki ba fapanyetsana maikutlo le moetsi ka ho toba le ka ho feletseng.Ka tsela ena, setšoantšo se seng le se seng sa ho qetela se ke ke sa lumella bophelo ba rona hore bo be monate feela, empa hape le ho nkoa e le bopaki ba histori.


Lihlahisoa tsa YOUNGAN: Litšoantšo tse betliloeng bakeng sa mokhabiso oa meralo ea 'masepala, litšoantšo tse betliloeng bakeng sa naha, litšoantšo tse betliloeng tsa boronse, litšoantšo tse betliloeng tsa tšepe e entsoeng ka tšepe, litšoantšo tse betliloeng tsa tšepe e sa hloekang, litšoantšo tse betliloeng tsa tumelo le litšoantšo tsa mokhabiso oa poraefete.



Monyetla oa YOUNGAN:

1, Sistimi e felletseng ea phepelo ea thepa e tala ke ho boloka thepa e tala ka boleng bo holimo le theko e tlase.Bareki ba ka fumana bonono bo khotsofatsang ka theko e tlase haholo.

2, Sistimi ea rona ea tlhahiso e na le boqapi bo ikhethang, moralo o khethehileng oa setsebi le taolo e tiileng ea boleng.Bonono bo bong le bo bong bo tla phela ho theosa le lilemo ka lebaka la moralo le lintlha tse phethahetseng.

3, Ho kopanngoa ha litšoantšo tsa setso, saense ea morao-rao le theknoloji le setso sa setso sa Machaena e le ntho e le 'ngoe.Mokhoa oa setso oa de-waxing o lumella setšoantšo se phethiloeng ka lintlha tse nepahetseng.

Phihlelo ea lilemo tse 4, 15 ea merero ea tikoloho ea masepala linaheng tse fapaneng.Fana ka bonono bo khotsofatsang ho fihlela kopo ea moreki ho tsoa ho aesthetics, botho le nalane.


PONO: E re toropo e 'ngoe le e' ngoe e be le setšoantšo se betliloeng sa China!

FILOSOFI: Khomarela motsoako oa moetlo le boqapi, theha bonono bo feteletseng ba litšoantšo tse betliloeng!

AIM: Bonono bo bong le bo bong bo ikhethile ebile bo ratoa ke lilemo!


Re profeshenale ho hlahisa bonono bo fapaneng ba litšoantšo, haholoholo boqapi le ho hlahisa merero e meholo ea litšoantšo tse betliloeng.Litšoantšo tse joalo li matla haholo, li bonts'a setso se fapaneng sa bonono le nalane ea linaha tse fapaneng.Re kopanya aesthetics le litsoantso tse betliloeng hammoho ho rala le ho hlahisa sets'oants'o se seholohali le setšoantšo sa sehlooho.Litšoantšo tse sa bonahaleng le mohopolo oa konkreite li kopane ho lumella moeti e mong le e mong le bashebelli ho utloa moea oa moqapi.


Custom Antique Cast Bronze Copper Metal Craft Black Deer Sculpture/ Outdoor Antique Sitting Bronze Deer SculptureMohlala oa Fumaneha!

Litefiso: Ho ka buisanoa.

Netefatso: Netefatsa kopo e 'ngoe le e 'ngoe e qaqileng ka tsebiso ea E-mail.

Nako ea Phano: 15 ~ 25 Matsatsi


Custom Antique Cast Bronze Copper Metal Craft Black Deer Sculpture/ Outdoor Antique Sitting Bronze Deer SculptureOdara e Bonolo Haholo!

1. Romela feela moralo oa hau, boholo, bongata.Hape e ka etsa moralo ho latela kopo ea moreki.

2. Tiisa ntlha e 'ngoe le e 'ngoe ka PI, ebe u hlophisa sampole haeba e kōptjoa.

3. Rulahanya tlhahiso hang ha o phethahatsa nako ea tefo joalo ka ha ho lumellane.

4. Tiisa mohlala oa letsopa / lefats'e ho finyella kopo ea boleng le ho khotsofatsa bareki.

5. Lokisetsa thomello e potlakileng ho u fihlela ka nako.




 Custom Antique Cast Bronze Copper Metal Craft Black Deer Sculpture/ Outdoor Antique Sitting Bronze Deer Sculpture

Melemo ea Mesebetsi ea Litsebi:

1.Bataki ba tummeng ba hlahisa bonono bo sa lebaleheng le bo ikhethang ba sehlooho.

2.Baqapi ba nang le tsebo le litsebi ba ka qapa ho fihlela mofani oa rona a ikutloa a khotsofetse.

3.Setsebi se nang le phihlelo se betla lihlahisoa tse nang le lintlha tse phethahetseng.

4.Mechine ea morao-rao e tiisa boholo bo nepahetseng ba likarolo tsa meralo.

5.Enough e felile ea bonono e loketse ho khethoa ka linako tsohle.

Ke Thabela ho Araba Lipotso life kapa life:

P: Nako e hakantsoeng ea ho fana ke eng?
A: Matsatsing a 15-20 kamora ho fumana tefo e tlase.
P: Ke lipehelo life tsa tefo tse ka amoheloang?
A:Ka T/T.30% ke depositi 'me 70% e lefshoa ha ho amoheloa tlhahiso.

Ka L/C.E tlameha ho ba haufi le banka e tsebahalang.

ƒWestern Union kapa Paypal bakeng sa sampole litšenyehelo.
Q: Ke eng tiisetso ea boleng?
A: Bonono ba 'mabole bo lumellana le maemo a mabeli.

a) ASTM C503-05 le ASTM C1526-03 e sebelisetsoang'mabole oa tlhaho oa Quarry.

b) Tekanyetso ea boleng bo phahameng ea setsebi sa mesebetsi ea matsoho kapa kopo ea bareki.

Bonono ba boronse kapa tšepe e sa hloekang bo lumellana le litekanyetso tse peli.

a) Joalo ka tlaleho ea tlhahlobo ea thepa e tsoang ho moetsi.

b) Tekanyetso ea boleng bo phahameng ea setsebi sa mesebetsi ea matsoho kapa kopo ea bareki.

ƒE thata le setsebi tsamaiso ea boleng bo ka

amohela tlhahlobo ea batho ba bang, joalo ka SGS kapa joalo-joalo.

Basebetsi ba rona ba ka kenya setšeng sa morero bakeng sa merero e meholo.

P: Litšenyehelo tsa sepalangoang ke bokae?
A:Litsenyehelo tse ntle bakeng sa lipalangoang tsa leoatle kapa sefofane se tsoang ho ea pele.

Amohela tšebeletso ea DDU ka litšenyehelo tse utloahalang.

Custom Antique Cast Bronze Copper Metal Craft Black Deer Sculpture/ Outdoor Antique Sitting Bronze Deer Sculpture

Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa sehlahisoa:

Theko ea Theko ea Sets'oants'o sa Kajeno sa Boronse - Sets'oants'o se Tloaelehileng sa Khama sa Koporo ea Koporo Sets'oants'o sa Deer e Ntšo

Theko ea Theko ea Sets'oants'o sa Kajeno sa Boronse - Sets'oants'o se Tloaelehileng sa Khama sa Koporo ea Koporo Sets'oants'o sa Deer e Ntšo

Tataiso e Amanang ea Sehlahisoa:

Khampani ea rona e ntse e ipabola ka leano la brand.Khotso ea bareki ke papatso ea rona e kholo ka ho fetisisa.Re boetse re fana ka khamphani ea OEM bakeng sa Theko ea Theko ea Kajeno ea Sets'oants'o sa Bronze - Custom Antique Cast Bronze Metal Craft Black Deer Sculpture / Outdoor Antique Sitting Bronze Deer Sculpture - Atisan Works , Sehlahisoa se tla fana ka lefats'e ka bophara, joalo ka: Sevilla, Latvia, Durban, Ho latela molao-motheo oa ho Batla 'Nete, ho Nepaha le Bonngoe, ka theknoloji e le motheo, k'hamphani ea rona e ntse e tsoela pele ho ntlafatsa, e ikemiselitseng ho u fa litharollo tse bolokang chelete e ngata le tšebeletso e hlokolosi ka mor'a thekiso.Re lumela ka tieo hore: re ipabola joalo ka ha re khethehile.

Re qetile lilemo tse 43 re sebetsa indastering ea litsoantso tse betliloeng, re amohelehile ho etsa litšoantšo tsa 'mabole, liemahale tsa koporo, liemahale tsa tšepe e sa hloekang le litšoantšo tse betliloeng tsa fiberglass.

  • Boleng bo Phahameng, Bokhabane bo Phahameng, Boqapi le Botšepehi, bo lokelang ho ba le tšebelisano ea nako e telele!Re lebeletse tšebelisano-'moho nakong e tlang! Linaleli tse 5 Ka Caroline ho tsoa Bolivia - 2017.01.11 17:15
    Ke tšepa hore k'hamphani e ka khomarela moea oa khoebo oa Quality, Effective, Innovation le Botšepehi, e tla ba betere hape e be betere nakong e tlang. Linaleli tse 5 Ka Fiona ho tloha Barbados - 2018.06.28 19:27
    Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona